I've been wanting to create a blog for a long time now that shows my individuality in the best way possible. I came across the neocities website, and loved all the different designs, and ideas people shared, and wanted to join in on the fun! As of December 16th, 2024, I'm working on this website.
As of January 30th, 2025, I have decided to learn a lot more HTML and CSS before I get into JavaScript. I also used a little bit of chatGPT for the layout of my website dev log. I don't plan on continuing using chatGPT for such things. I found another coding tutorial website that is a great suppliment to HTML Dog: freeCodeCamp.
I found out maybe it's best if I don't have a splash page, but just a general homepage. I still want to have a character to welcome visitors. The first sketch I made was mystical. A girl beckoning visitors to come into the website. Think of Ponyo's mother from Ponyo.
This is going to be a blog mostly, but as this website is sort of an art project on its own, I'm also including my art on here. Another thing is I'm hoping by learning code, I could present my fiction stories and comics on here like I want to. Of course, that might take time.
I've seen a lot of fun ideas browsing neocities. One of the elements I've seen are shrines—a fun way to show things you like. I also looked more into fanlistings, and some fun ways to show this on my site.
If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Just post a message in the traveler's ledger.